Creating a Lego-themed Piñata with Assorted Lego Candies

Organizing a party and want to add a unique twist? A Lego-themed piñata, brimming with colorful Lego candies, can be the centerpiece that brings joy and excitement to Lego enthusiasts of all ages. This guide will walk you through the steps to craft this creative party highlight.

Materials Needed

  • Large balloon
  • Newspaper strips
  • Flour and water (for paper mache paste)
  • Paint (red, yellow, blue, and black)
  • Cardboard for decorative Lego blocks
  • Assorted Lego candies (or small Lego toys as an alternative)
  • String for hanging
  • Craft knife (for adult use)

Step 1: Making the Base

Inflate the balloon to a desired size. This will serve as the mold for your piñata. Prepare your paper mache paste by mixing one part flour to two parts water, stirring until smooth. Dip newspaper strips into the paste, and layer them onto the balloon. Cover the balloon completely, leaving a small opening at the top. Allow it to dry for 24-48 hours.

Step 2: Decorate

Once the base is dry, it’s time to bring your Lego piñata to life. Use paint to create a colorful, block-like pattern. Drawing inspiration from classic Lego bricks, incorporate rectangular shapes in primary colors. Cut out cardboard to add three-dimensional blocks around the piñata. Glue these pieces in place for an authentic Lego look.

Step 3: Fill with Candies

Before sealing the piñata, fill it with assorted Lego candies. If you’re including small Lego toys, wrap them to prevent any injuries when the piñata breaks open. Securely close the opening with additional paper mache layers. Allow it to dry completely.

Step 4: Prepare for the Party

Attach a strong string to the top of your piñata. Make sure it’s sturdy enough to hold the weight of the piñata when it’s full. Hang your Lego piñata at an appropriate height where children can safely reach it with a bat or stick.


  • For a glossy finish, apply a layer of clear varnish after the paint dries.
  • Consider using glow-in-the-dark paint for a fun twist at evening parties.
  • Always supervise children during the piñata game to ensure safety.

Crafting a Lego-themed piñata filled with mouth-watering Lego candies is not only a rewarding project but also adds a memorable highlight to any celebration. Follow these steps to create a smashing hit for your next party!

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